Wednesday, 11 January 2012

The mid of a week

Oh, time goes too fast...and I seems like still in lazy mood...Gosh~ Can't be that lazy anymore!! =3=...Going to force myself to do something more already...If not my grade will always remaining...

A challenging lesson today we had...A new lecturer is teaching us, and I feel quite lucky to have a proffesional lecturer guiding me this semester...I wish I could able to learn further more which out of my expectation~! Anyway, we call him as 'hoyi' as he name it to us...I start to get warming up after I heard what he had told us...3D is not a simple works, which can get lots of pay in future..."Advanced it and no worries about no client comes for you..." Perhaps, his attitude had changed my mind from being a concept artist to an animator...I wish to be last time...just that, I'm afraid of the challenge and salary is not that good as in my expectation, but then now only i recognize the real pay for an animator!! it's awesome~ XD...

I gonna fight the challenge until the point that i can afford...Anyway, I'm trying to search for Hatsunemiku information soon...hope i could find something better...^^